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Giant Bomb




UX Designer

During my time at CBS Interactive, I had the pleasure of working on 

Most of my contributions to Giantbomb during my time with the Games Group were on the 2018 full-site redesign. I focused on research, analysis, growth, retention, framework improvements, and UX innovation.



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Giantbomb Redesign

While at CBS Interactive, I had the pleasure of working on a holistic redesign of

Of the many areas of this project that I was involved in, my focus was on user growth, retention, & UX innovation.


The main goal of redesigning was to cater the website towards new users. Historically, GiantBomb’s user group was extremely niche, with most engagement coming from veteran or long-standing users. The site’s existing architecture & design wasn’t conducive or friendly to new users who weren’t familiar with the history of’s cast and content. In this way, attracting new users & subsequently maintaining them was extremely difficult, and became a key KPI for us to measure success against throughout the entire redesign effort.


Early in the project, I was able to recruit & interview 15 users of various GiantBomb familiarity levels with the goal of gaining insight into perceptions, desires, & expectations of using a site like GiantBomb. The goal of these tests were ultimately to help us understand what a brand-new user would expect from an entertainment site like GiantBomb in order to retain their interest & engagement long-term.


The results of UXR provided a lot of key insight that helped us pivot & create UX strategies for long-term success.

The resulting redesign & UX strategy changes led to an increase in user retention and engagement on the site overall.


If you’d like to learn more about my contributions on, please get in touch.

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